The unique solutions developed by Click2Cloud Inc. helps you deploy any version of Windows, SQL Server, .NET applications, even SharePoint on OpenShift 2. OpenShift.NET gives choice of a truly heterogeneous environment where Red Hat and Microsoft applications work harmoniously in OpenShift 2 environment
Click2Cloud OpenShift.NET development kit enables you to run Windows nodes in Red Hat OpenShift. The unique solutions developed by Click2Cloud Inc. helps you deploy any version of Windows, SQL Server, .NET applications, even SharePoint on OpenShift 2. OpenShift.NET gives choice of a truly heterogeneous environment where Red Hat and Microsoft applications work harmoniously in OpenShift 2 environment
Click2Cloud OpenShift.NET development kit has following components;
Click2Cloud Visual Studio 2012+ Extension, allows the developers to create .NET application in Visual Studio IDE and deploy it to Red Hat OpenShift 2 cloud. You can download the extension from Visual Studio Gallery
Click2Cloud Windows Node Installer helps users to install the Windows Node on OpenShift 2 cloud. It has two files in it;
Watch our YouTube Playlist to deploy OpenShift 2 with .NET Capabilities.
Click2Cloud OpenShift 2 Cartridges helps to create the .NET, FOX Web and SQL based applications in Red Hat OpenShift 2.X environment.
OSEv2 Installation Script helps users to install the OpenShift 2 cloud in their environment. You can download the OSEv2 Installation Script from Click2Cloud GIT Hub Account;
This is pre-release version of OpenShift 2 Tool for Visual Studio 2012+.
For more details, you can mail us @ or contact at +1 (425) 749-7495 and +1 (425) 748-9666.
You can also visit our website to get insight of tools and FAQs
Following are software pre-requisite to install the ‘Click2Cloud Visual Studio 2012+ Extension for Red Hat OpenShift 2’ tool and manage your application on Red Hat OpenShift 2 Cloud.
1. Ruby with RubyInstaller
2. Git version control
3. rhc Ruby gem
All the pre-requisite to Install OpenShift 2 and ‘How to use’ Click2Cloud Windows Node Installer is mentioned in OpenShift 2 Auto Script Deployment Guide
It is available in Click2Cloud OpenShift.NET development kit and can be downloaded from Click2Cloud Website OSEv2 Deployment Guide V1.0
The more details on Step-by-Step installation of above software pre-requisite can be found in Click2Cloud_OpenShift2.X VisualStudio Tool UserGuide V1.0
The same user guide is available on Click2Cloud Website and can be downloaded directly from below URL: OpenShift2.X Visual Studio Tool UserGuide
The User Guide also provide step-by-step details to;
Once all the pre-requisite and plugin gets installed, you can refer the Document ‘Create Sample Application’ to create your first OpehShift.NET application. The document is also available on Click2Cloud website and can be accessed from OpenShift2.X Visual Studio Tool Guide to Deploy Sample Applications V1.
Windows Servers can join Red Hat’s OpenShift 2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) providing a robust, cross-platform enterprise solution.