
Amplify ROI with Click2Cloud’s Microsoft 365 Copilot Pilot — Full Deployment Accelerator

09-May, 2024
click2cloud blogs- Amplify ROI with Click2Cloud’s Microsoft 365 Copilot Pilot — Full Deployment Accelerator

Copilot for Microsoft 365 offers AI-powered functionality to users, but there's more to consider before deploying it. Organizations should ensure they meet Microsoft’s prerequisites for using Copilot.

Explore How Click2Cloud’s Copilot Pilot Deployment Approach Helps You:

Upon completing Package 1, the Microsoft 365 Copilot BVA and Value Realization approach, we collaborate with you to commence Package 2, the Copilot Deployment Accelerator. Click2Cloud's approach is designed to assist customers in maximizing business benefits by swiftly adopting the solution. We help identify domain use cases to derive superior value and ROI from Microsoft 365 Copilot. This comprehensive engagement service helps assess needs, prioritize Copilot scenarios, and get onboarded with a deployment-actionable roadmap.
Creating a Pilot is Package 2 of our recommended 3-package approach to achieving Copilot's goals and possibilities. Click2Cloud assists customers in deploying and fully leveraging Copilot as part of their Microsoft investment. We continually add value to organizations through Microsoft capabilities. Click2Cloud enables secure deployment of the latest Microsoft innovations, navigates complexities, and removes barriers. We possess abundant customer case studies and referrals that showcase our success in collaborating with Microsoft and our customers. Our deep understanding of the modern work portfolio, coupled with our expertise in security, distinguishes us for successful deployment and user adoption of the solution.

Click2Cloud’s Unique Approach to Microsoft 365 Copilot Full Deployment Excellence:

  • Evaluation of users for testing
  • Identification of users in the production environment
  • Ensuring appropriate data security controls are in place
  • Applying protections to the rest of the users
  • Deployment of additional Microsoft 365 apps, if required
  • Assigning Copilot licenses to users after their accounts and devices are protected
  • Providing ongoing training
  • Reviewing success measures utilizing the Copilot dashboard

Click2Cloud ensures a seamless deployment process by addressing data governance, licensing determinations, evaluating, and identifying users, implementing data security controls, deploying necessary apps, assigning Copilot licenses, providing ongoing training, and monitoring success.

What You Will Get:

  • Implementation/deployment guides and tutorials to understand how the tool works and how it can improve workflow.
  • Copilot Dashboard access to review success.
  • Ongoing support to help users troubleshoot any issues that may arise.


As you embark on the journey of digital transformation with Click2Cloud’s Microsoft 365 Copilot Pilot—Full Deployment Accelerator, you're stepping into a realm of unparalleled efficiency and innovation. By leveraging AI-powered functionality and a comprehensive deployment approach, organizations can maximize business benefits and ROI from Microsoft 365 Copilot. Click2Cloud’s unique approach ensures a seamless deployment process, from evaluating users to providing ongoing support, empowering you to harness the transformative power of Copilot for Microsoft 365. Upgrade your workplace today and amplify ROI with Click2Cloud’s Microsoft 365 Copilot Pilot—Full Deployment Accelerator!

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