
Accelerate M365 Copilot Success with Click2Cloud's Copilot Adoption and Change Management Service

21-May, 2024
click2cloud blogs- Accelerate M365 Copilot Success with Click2Cloud's Copilot Adoption and Change Management Service

Many organizations are investing significantly in new technology like Microsoft 365 Copilot, expecting increased productivity. However, insufficient training, a lack of motivation among employees to learn new solutions, and a failure to measure adoption metrics highlight the need for proper adoption and change management solutions. Without these, such tools can remain underutilized, leading to unrealized ROI. So, don't let new technology be daunting!

At Click2Cloud, we recognize that each organization experiences a unique change journey. That's why we offer a tailored approach to ensure a seamless adoption process, from initial onboarding to advanced utilization. Our Microsoft 365 Copilot Adoption and Change Management service helps organizations accelerate success through AI adoption excellence. Transitioning to this cutting-edge AI-powered assistant is not just a technological shift but a transformative journey for the people in your organization. With our change management offering, we support companies in a successful and holistic journey towards an effective implementation of Microsoft 365 Copilot.

How Can Click2Cloud Drive Microsoft 365 Copilot Adoption Success?

Our adoption program is designed to transform your organization into an AI-driven productivity powerhouse, allowing you to experience a seamless transition to the cutting-edge AI assistant.

Click2Cloud's ACM Approach:

  • Facilitate onboarding and support advanced utilization of Copilot
  • Design and implement actions to optimize productivity and performance
  • Monitor individual user engagement, success, feature utilization, adoption rate, and business impact
  • Provide Copilot dashboards that combine usage metrics, collaboration data, and user sentiment for a comprehensive understanding of usage and adoption
  • Identify users' eligibility for Copilot licensing to optimize resource allocation
  • Implementation practices for smooth transitions, maintaining change, and autonomous communication

Our ACM Package Typically Includes:

  • Understanding Workflows and Key Individuals: Identify crucial individuals impacted by new tech and monitor adoption progress.
  • Creating Awareness: Engage employees by clarifying the reasons for change and its impact.
  • Custom Training Programs: Tailor training to user needs for using generative AI effectively.
  • Sustainable Change Environment: Implement actions like groups and rewards to maintain change and improve productivity with Microsoft 365 Copilot.

What You Will Get:

  • Customized training programs based on user roles and needs
  • Clear communication channels and ongoing support
  • Identification and empowerment of internal change champions
  • Copilot dashboards for a comprehensive understanding of usage and adoption
  • Clear metrics to track adoption rates, user engagement, and business impact
  • Sustainable change in the environment


Click2Cloud's Microsoft 365 Copilot Adoption and Change Management (ACM) service is designed to enhance your organization's approach to AI adoption. By facilitating seamless onboarding, optimizing productivity, and monitoring user engagement and impact metrics, our ACM approach ensures a successful transition to the cutting-edge AI assistant. With customized training, clear communication channels, and sustainable change practices, we empower your teams to harness the full potential of Microsoft 365 Copilot, driving transformative success and maximizing ROI.

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