
Enter a New Era of AI-driven Productivity with Click2Cloud’s M365 Copilot Readiness & ACM Approach!

30-May, 2024
click2cloud blogs- Enter a New Era of AI-driven Productivity with Click2Cloud’s M365 Copilot Readiness & ACM Approach!

Microsoft 365 Copilot is an AI-powered digital assistant that works to provide you with personalized assistance in the apps you use every day.

Why should you get ready for Microsoft 365 Copilot?

  • Enhanced documentation authorization
  • Secured tenant
  • Time-saving potential
  • Microsoft best practices
  • Financial strategies
  • Familiarity with AI technologies

Now the question is: Is your organization ready to transform the way you work?

No worries! We have got you covered!

Explore...! How does Click2Cloud help customers with Copilot Readiness and ACM?

Click2Cloud's Copilot Readiness and ACM is a comprehensive end-to-end service that includes package 1 (M365 Copilot Readiness BVA and Value Realization), package 2 (Pilot-Full Deployment Accelerator), and package 3 (Adoption and Change Management). These services are designed to ensure that your organization is fully prepared to embrace the new era of AI-powered productivity and implement it successfully.

Click2Cloud’s Copilot Readiness and ACM Approach

Maximize Copilot's impact with Click2Cloud's Copilot Readiness BVA and Value Realization solution:

The adoption of Copilot for Microsoft 365 isn't a simple win; it demands a strategic approach. At Click2Cloud, we offer the Copilot Readiness BVA and Value Realization solution, aiding organizations in addressing critical considerations before deploying Copilot, such as technical complexity, data privacy, and value realization.

Click2Cloud’s Microsoft 365 Copilot Readiness BVA and Value Realization comprise two phases:

Vision and Ideation Session: 2 Hours

  • Discover the capabilities, use cases, and benefits of Microsoft 365 Copilot
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of your readiness
  • Know the steps you need to take to prepare for Microsoft 365 Copilot
  • Receive a customized success plan and roadmap

Microsoft 365 Copilot BVA & Value Realization: 1–3 Weeks

We ensure a secure and functional environment with expert guidance for optimal implementation. As part of our BVA and Value Realization, you will receive a comprehensive report, including:

  • Persona Evaluation
  • Current SKUs: Copilot Readiness vs. Usage
  • Cash Flow Analysis
  • Persona-Based Use Cases and Recommendations
  • Copilot Dashboard and Licensing Benefits
  • Value Realization and Return on Persona

You will receive a roadmap for deployment and an environment ready to reap the benefits of Microsoft 365 Copilot in just 3 weeks.

Test drive Copilot with our Pilot Deployment Accelerator

The Pilot deployment accelerator is designed to assist customers in assessing their needs, prioritizing Copilot scenarios, and onboarding with an actionable roadmap.

Our process includes:

  • Evaluation of users for testing
  • Identification of users in the production environment
  • Apply protections to the rest of the users
  • Assign Copilot licenses to users after their accounts and devices are protected

Experience a seamless transition to the AI assistant with Click2Cloud’s ACM

Don't let new technology be daunting. At Click2Cloud, we offer a comprehensive Copilot Adoption and Change Management solution that goes beyond mere deployment. Without proper ACM, tools like Copilot can be underutilized, leading to unrealized ROI. Our focus is on people, processes, and culture, ensuring seamless integration and maximizing the impact of AI on your organization.

The goal of our ACM engagement is to ensure end-users integrate Copilot into their everyday workflows, maximizing your organization's Return on Investment.

Click2Cloud's ACM Concept:

  • Establish clear objectives to guide efforts and enable effective assessment of progress
  • Design and implement actions to optimize productivity and performance
  • Facilitate onboarding and support advanced utilization of Copilot
  • Provide Copilot dashboards that combine usage metrics, collaboration data, and user sentiment for a comprehensive understanding of usage and adoption
  • Identify users' eligibility for Copilot licensing to optimize resource allocation
  • Implementation practices for smooth transitions, maintaining change, and autonomous communication

What You Will Get:

  • Customized training programs based on user roles and needs
  • Clear communication channels and ongoing support
  • Identification and empowerment of internal change champions
  • Copilot dashboards for a comprehensive understanding of usage and adoption
  • Clear metrics to track adoption rates, user engagement, and business impact
  • Sustainable change environment

Here's Our Unique Approach to Driving Adoption Excellence:

Whether it's AI adoption, technical readiness, change management, or customization, we have got you covered with our M365 Copilot Readiness & ACM Packages.

Package 1: Copilot Readiness (BVA & Value Realization)

Package 2 Pilot: Full Deployment

Package 3: Training, Adoption, and Change Management (ACM)

Embark on a successful journey of Microsoft 365 Copilot adoption with Click2Cloud’s specialized readiness and ACM service, and ensure your organization embraces the future of AI with seamless integration and lasting transformation.

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AI-Driven M365 Copilot Readiness ACM Approach